Proper Movement Mechanics and Movement Standards
Hopefully part of your “why” in coming to the gym and keeping yourself physically in shape is so that as you age you are able to still move properly and with full range of motion.
After our warm up we take the time to focus on and breakdown the movements for the workout that day. Proper mechanics like hand and foot placement are discussed. Proper movement standards are discussed, such as full extension or full range of motion of an area of the body.
Your coaches discuss this to make you a better mover and increase the longevity of your ability to move as you age. We will continue to be relentless on proper sound movement within reason for your ability level. If you have an injury that does not allow full range of motion we will work toward improving that range of motion if possible. If you are injury free and only enjoy squatting to an inch in depth, well you better bet the coach is going to call ya on that!
MOVE WITH INTENTION AND TO BE BETTER. Don’t just move to go through the motions. You’ll be serving yourself much better when moving with proper mechanics. If you’d like get better click the request information button to get started with us.